UPDATED CANS-NY 2.0 Launch Information Children's Health Home Program

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The CANS-NY 2.0 was launched officially within the Uniform Assessment System (UAS) on November 15, 2023. In conjunction with the update and shift to the CANS-NY 2.0 tool in New York State, a new live CANS-NY 2.0 web-based certification course has been developed to support assessors' ability to reliably rate the new version of the tool. This new course will replace the former CANS-NY certification course.

Additional CANS-NY 2.0 Introductory and Supervisory training sessions have been added to the CANS-NY Technical Assistance Institute calendar for November through March of 2024.

CANS-NY Assessors will be required to review new training content and guidance posted via the Uniform Assessment System (UAS) between 11/01/2023 - 12/6/2023. After 12/6/23, assessors will not be able to access the UAS until the training is completed. This new training content will include two brief “Booster” videos that demonstrate a side-by-side comparison of the CANS-NY with the CANS-NY 2.0. Completion of the “Booster” content will be verified within the UAS.

Please note that the CANS-NY 2.0 features a new Decision Model, previously called acuity. The new Decision Model (DSM) has a different acuity algorithm for the zero to 5-year-old CANS-NY and the 6 to 21-year-old CANS-NY. Additionally, acuity labeling from high, medium, and low has been renamed.

CANS-NY 0-5 Tool Decision Model   CANS-NY 6-21 Tool Decision Model
Previous New Previous New
Low Low Low Standard
Medium Early Development Medium Intensive
High Complex High Complex
Current, completed CANS-NY assessments do not need to be redone using the new CANS 2.0 tool, and will remain visible within the UAS for reference when completing the first re-assessment after November 15, 2023.

Multiple resources are available to support assessors through these changes.

  1. Announcing the CANS-NY 2.0 video available via CLICK HERE
  2. Web-based videos “Booster” detailing the comparison of CANS-NY and CANS-NY 2.0 for both the CANS-NY 2.0, ages 0-5 version and the CANS-NY 2.0, ages 6-21 version will be made available via www.tcomtraining.com.
  3. CANS NY 2.0 Reference Guides can be downloaded via www.cansnyinstitute.org or Child Adolescent Needs and Strengths - NY (CANS-NY)
  4. The CANS New York Technical Assistance Institute team of coaches are available to answer any questions and to provide information and support via
LIVE Training and Coaching Office Hour Every Wednesday from
12:00pm - 1:00pm Starting November 1, 2023
*No registration required Join via CLICK HERE