Application Instructions for Performing Provider Systems Integrating Primary Care and Behavioral Health Services Under the DSRIP Project 3.a.i Licensure Threshold
In order to facilitate the integration of primary care and behavioral health (mental health and/or substance use disorder) services, the Department of Health (DOH), the Office of Mental Health (OMH) and the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) have established parameters for the approval of providers that wish to offer services under the DSRIP Project 3.a.i Licensure Threshold.
For purposes of DSRIP Project 3.a.i, DOH and OMH will raise their existing Licensure Thresholds and OASAS will implement a Licensure Threshold for outpatient providers licensed or certified by DOH, OMH or OASAS that participate in the DSRIP project. This will permit a provider to integrate primary care and behavioral health services under a single license or certification as long as the service to be added is not more than 49 percent of the provider´s total annual visits ("DSRIP Project 3.a.i Licensure Threshold") and the patient initially presents to the provider for a service authorized by such provider´s license or certification.
The operative provisions are set forth in the attached document:
Application Instructions for PHL Article 28-Licensed Outpatient Providers
Outpatient providers licensed under Article 28 of the Public Health Law who wish to integrate services under the DSRIP Project 3.a.i Licensure Threshold must complete a separate DOH Certificate of Need (CON) Application (either a full review CON Application or an administrative review CON Application, as appropriate) or a Limited Review Application (LRA) for each Article 28-licensed site at which services will be integrated.
- If a provider wishes to add mental health services or substance use disorder services under the DSRIP Project 3.a.i Licensure Threshold at an existing clinic and the project costs do not exceed $6,000,000, the provider should submit an LRA. However, if project costs exceed $6,000,000, the appropriate CON Application must be filed rather than an LRA.
- If a provider wishes to certify a new extension clinic and integrate services under the DSRIP Project 3.a.i Licensure Threshold, the provider should submit the appropriate CON Application.
All applications must be submitted via the NYSE-CON system. Applications will be reviewed by the agencies on a rolling basis and applicants will be notified by DOH when the review is completed.
CON Application:
The CON Application can be found here: CON Application.
The CON Application consists of 23 schedules. To determine which schedules must be submitted, please see the following link: Schedules Required for Each Type of Application.
Limited Review Application:
The LRA can be found here: Limited Review Application.
The LRA includes a cover sheet and 12 schedules. The applicant must submit all of the LRA schedules required as part of a "Service Delivery" project (as indicated on the LRA Cover Sheet). If the project involves construction, the applicant must also submit the LRA schedules associated with a "Minor Construction" project.
Additional Information:
Please note, prior to submitting a CON Application or an LRA, the PPS Lead and/or the applicant must consult the affected Local Governmental Units (LGUs) concerning the proposed project, including the service(s) to be added and the location of the site or sites. Contact information for the LGUs can be found here: Confirmation of consultation will be required in the submission requirements below.
In addition, the following information must be included as part of the application.
A. Information to be Included in Contact Information
- When submitting contact information, enter the PPS´ Lead Contact as the Alternate Contact. This will allow the PPS Lead to be copied on all future correspondence.
B. Information to be Included in the Project Narrative
- The following information must be included in the first two sentences of the project narrative field:
- PPS name; and
- Indicate that the application is associated with DSRIP Project 3.a.i.
C. Information to be Included in Separately Uploaded Documents
- Please complete the following document and attach it to the CON Application or LRA under schedule type "Other"
- Additional Information Required (XLSX, 30KB)
Please be advised that a copy of any future correspondence from DOH regarding an application to integrate services under DSRIP Project 3.a.i will be sent to the PPS Lead, as identified under the contact information. It is the provider´s responsibility to inform the PPS Lead that an application has been submitted.
Application Instructions for MHL Article 31-Licensed or MHL Article 32-Certified Outpatient Providers
Outpatient providers licensed under Article 31 or certified under Article 32 of the Mental Hygiene Law who wish to integrate services under the DSRIP Project 3.a.i Licensure Threshold must complete the DSRIP Integrated Services Application. This application can be found here:
- DSRIP Integrated Services Application (XLSX, 2.73MB)
Completed DSRIP Integrated Services Applications should be sent to with "DSRIP Integrated Services Application" in the subject line. Please be advised that a copy of any future correspondence from OMH or OASAS regarding the application will be sent to the PPS Lead. It is the providers responsibility to inform the PPS Lead that an application has been submitted. Questions should be sent to the same email address with "DSRIP Integrated Services" in the subject line.
Prior to submitting an application or applications, the PPS Lead and/or the applicant must consult the affected Local Governmental Units (LGUs) concerning the proposed project, including the service(s) to be added and the location of the site or sites. Contact information for the LGUs can be found here:
Applications will be reviewed by the agencies on a rolling basis and applicants will be notified by OMH or OASAS, as appropriate, when the review is completed.
DSRIP Licensure Threshold Visit Calculation Methodology
For purposes of defining and counting encounter types to determine a site´s service mix relative to the DSRIP Licensure Threshold, please see the following document:
- Licensure Threshold Visit Calculation Methodology: Document will be available soon
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