Nursing Home Quality Pool
2013 Nursing Home Quality Pool
The New York State Nursing Home Quality Pool (NHQP) is a $50 million budget-neutral pool that was established in the 2010-2011 final State budget. The New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH) has been working with industry experts to design and compute an equitable quality pool using existing data sources. Under the payment methodology of the 2013 NHQP, eligible nursing homes contribute to the funding of the $50 million pool, and the pool money is redistributed to the nursing homes based on their performance in the NHQP. The 2013 NHQP contains three measurement components comprised of 14 quality measures, three compliance measures, and one efficiency measure. The NYS DOH assessed the nursing homes on their performance in all components of the NHQP as compared to their peers. Determinations of fraud or abuse by the Attorney General's office or specific deficiencies cited during the health inspection survey process were also incorporated into the results.
The NHQP is worth 100 points; the Quality Component is worth 60 points, and the Compliance and Efficiency Components are each worth 20 points. Facilities were awarded points for each measure based on their performance. For some measures, the facilities were put into quintiles and awarded points accordingly. Other measures were based on meeting threshold values, where a facility could receive only maximum points or zero points. The points for all measures were then summed to create an overall score for each facility. Facilities were ranked into quintiles based on their overall scores. Quintile one represents the top performing facilities and these facilities earn approximately 50% of the pool dollars. Facilities in quintile two and three also receive awards, but a smaller percentage. Facilities in quintile four and five do not receive any awards from the pool. Facilities with certain types of deficiencies during their health inspection surveys or a determination of fraud or abuse by the Attorney General's Office are not eligible for quality pool awards.
The quintile ranking below is an Excel workbook that contains worksheets for the nursing homes in each quintile, nursing homes that are ineligible for a quality pool award, and nursing homes that were excluded from the NHQP for various reasons. Please note that the quintiles are shown for the nursing homes that are ineligible for a quality pool award only to show where the nursing home would have placed had it been eligible. The nursing homes are sorted alphabetically by worksheet. All nursing homes in a quintile are considered to be the same in terms of quality and performance. Please refer to the methodology for more information on the ineligibility and exclusion criteria.
Please note that the NHQP is pending CMS SPA approval. Payment distribution has not gone into effect and is dependent on approval from CMS.
Information and Results for the 2013 Nursing Home Quality Pool
- Methodology (PDF, 137KB)
- NHQP Quintile Ranking (XLS, 128KB)
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