Continuing Education

Through a partnership between the NYS Department of Health and the University at Albany School of Public Health, Public Health Live! Webcasts were produced on current evidenced based information and interventions related to the complexities of dementia.

Alzheimer's Disease and the Importance of Accurate Death Reporting

It is estimated that as many as 50 percent of people with Alzheimer's disease or related dementia (ADRD) do not receive a formal diagnosis. In addition, when a diagnosis is received, it is often after the dementia has progressed significantly. Many of the signs, symptoms, and risk factors associated with Neurodegenerative disease are unrecognized or misinterpreted and require an improved understanding of differential diagnostic strategies. Care of the patient with dementia is often complicated by chronic diseases that impact the prognosis and contribute to the underlying cause of death. This webcast will provide an overview of the impact of Alzheimer's Disease, including the disparities in diagnosis and treatment, the importance of early diagnosis, and the problem of underreporting of deaths related to Alzheimer's Disease.

The Science of Aging and Alzheimer's

A growing segment of the New York State population is impacted by Alzheimer's Disease but gaps in clinical care remain, particularly around early diagnosis and entry into care. There are numerous benefits to an early diagnosis and quality care management across disease progression. This offers clinicians information from leading New York State experts on best practices for diagnosis, care management and referral to community support, along with the latest trends in dementia research.

Clinical and Ethical Indications for Cognitive Impairment Screening in Primary Care

Current evidence indicates that the general public is hesitant to share concerns about memory loss with their physician. Likewise, physicians are often unlikely to disclose a diagnosis of cognitive impairment or dementia, citing lack of knowledge, too little time, or difficulty discussing such a sensitive topic. This webcast describes the benefits of early cognitive screening, effective screening tools and identifies the ethical justifications for screening and early diagnosis.

The Clinical and Cultural Challenges of Dementia in African American and Hispanic Communities

Ethnic and racial differences in risk factors may play a role in the increased incidence and prevalence of dementia in African American and Hispanic communities. Social, physical, and cultural barriers reduce the ability of these communities to access early diagnosis and care. This webcast provides information on how dementia should be diagnosed and treated, as well as resources to assist family and caregivers in supporting people from these communities affected by Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's Disease and Advance Directives: A Primer for Primary Care Physicians

This webcast raises awareness among healthcare providers, especially primary care physicians about the looming crisis of increasing Alzheimer's disease in this country. It provides critical information and tools to prepare these healthcare providers to have constructive conversations with patients that have remaining capacity about their preferences for medical care in the advance stage of disease.

Falls and their Prevention: A Geriatric and Pharmacological Imperative

This webcast describes how interdisciplinary collaboration among primary care providers, geriatricians, pharmacists and therapists can reduce the risk of falls and promote the prevention of injuries among aging adults. Understanding the role medication plays in falls and prioritizing efforts to de-prescribe medications, other important considerations for comprehensive falls management, are included in the webcast. The webcast also addresses who is at risk for falls, the injurious consequences of falls, and how primary care physicians can screen for and mitigate these risks, as well as the role pharmacists can play in recognizing and addressing risks from medication interactions.

Parkinson´s Disease: The Importance of an Interdisciplinary Approach for Identification, Treatment and Patient Support

This webcast provides an overview of Parkinson´s disease, including how a clinical diagnosis is made and how symptoms can be managed with medication and exercise. It orients public health practitioners to the signs and symptoms of Parkinson´s disease and instructs medical professionals to know when to refer patients to neurological specialists in Parkinson´s disease.

Caregiver and Patient Health in Alzheimer’s Disease Policy and Systems Change

The population of people identified with Alzheimer’s disease, or another dementia is rapidly growing, as is the need for caregivers to support them. The burden of caregiving can exacerbate health challenges caregivers will normally face, particularly as the disease in those they care for decline and needs increase. In this webcast, viewers will receive information on maintaining the health of those with dementia and their caregivers and on the policies and systems that necessary to support this care, including the value of early diagnosis, activities for maintaining good health, and supports for caregivers.

Advance Planning for Independence and Autonomy

In spite of demonstrated benefit, the number of people utilizing advance planning continues to be limited. This contributes to patient stress, emergency department visits and hospitalizations that could otherwise be avoided, premature institutional placement, overuse of healthcare services, lack of respect for patient wishes, preventable caregiver stress and increased risk of multiple chronic conditions. This webcast will provide strategies, tools and resources to support preplanning of healthcare and life decisions.

Sex, Gun and Driving: Considerations in Dementia Care

It is estimated that as many as 50% of people with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia (ADRD) never receive a formal diagnosis. Early in the disease process, changes in memory are most likely to raise concerns among family members, physicians and the impacted individuals themselves. Yet the onset of ADRD also impacts other cognitive skills. Changes in perception, judgement, organization and the ability to recognize cause and effect can lead to risky behaviors.

With chronic medical conditions and co-morbidities abundant with this population, a multidisciplinary approach is crucial. All providers and support staff that provide care to persons living with disease and their caregivers should discuss and intervene in concerns that relate to safety and well-being.

This webcast will discuss the important topics of sexuality, driving and gun safety and how health and social service providers can address these topics with people with ADRD and their caregivers.