Contacts for Asbestos Information
Who can I contact for more information?
For questions regarding:
New York State Asbestos Safety Training
Contact the New York State Department of Health, Asbestos Safety Training Program
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of Occupational Health and Injury Prevention
Empire State Plaza-Corning Tower, Room 1336
Albany, New York 12237
Phone (518) 402-7940 or 1-800-458-1158 (toll free within New York State).
Health Effects from Exposure to Asbestos
Contact the New York State Department of Health's Toxic Substance Assessment program at 518-402-7800.
Asbestos Waste Transportation and Disposal
Contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, Waste Transporter Permit Program, Part 364 Hauler Permits at (518) 402-8707 or Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, Bureau of Solid Waste, Reduction & Recycling, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233 at (518) 402-8706.
Asbestos Company Licensing and Asbestos Worker Certification
Contact the New York State Department of Labor, License and Certification Unit, State Office Campus, Room 161A, Albany, NY 12240, (518) 457-2735.
Asbestos Abatement Projects or Illegal Abatement, or AHERA Requirements
Contact the New York State Department of Labor, Asbestos Control Bureau, State Office Campus, Room 157, Albany, NY 12240, (518) 457-1255.
Asbestos Concerns in the Workplace
- Public sector employees, contact Public Employee Safety and Health Bureau, State Office Campus, Room 158, Albany, NY 12240, (518) 457-1263.
- Private sector employees, contact the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 201 Varick Street, Room 670, New York, NY 10014, (212) 337-2378.
Asbestos Issues within New York City
Contact the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Asbestos Control Program Enforcement at (718) 595-3682
Federal Regulations on Asbestos
Contact the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region II asbestos coordinator at (212) 637-4042.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional and State Asbestos Contacts
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maintains ten regional offices to implement federal environmental programs around the country. Within each region, the Regional Administrator has designated Regional Asbestos Coordinators and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, Asbestos Coordinators to oversee the asbestos efforts within the region.
A list of State Asbestos Contacts is updated on an annual basis.
Useful Links
The following are links to federal, state, local and private organizations that regulate or provide information on asbestos.
- Consumer Product Safety Commission - Provides information for homeowners: where in the home asbestos can be found, what should be done, how your health could be affected, and how to remedy an asbestos problem in your home.
- EPA Asbestos in Schools - Answers some commonly asked questions pertaining to asbestos in schools and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Additional links to other EPA & Federal sites providing more information on asbestos in schools are also provided.
- EPA Integrated Risk Information System - Provides a brief overview of some key health assessment facts relevant to asbestos.
- EPA Vermiculite - Information on asbestos contamination in vermiculite and vermiculite products, uses of vermiculite, fact sheets, question and answer documents, reports and links to EPA Regional vermiculite pages
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - Brief description & links to asbestos related publications, Federal recommendations for preventing occupational exposure, sampling and analysis methods, the Worker Notification Program, and surveillance reports.
- National Cancer Institute - Information on health hazards connected to asbestos, how asbestos-related diseases are detected, programs available to help those diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease, and links to other organizations for more information.
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Outlines OSHA standards, interpretations of those standards, Federal Registers, controlling exposure, monitoring, and how to recognize hazards relating to asbestos. Career specific information for those employed in the construction &/or automotive fields is also offered.
- Public Health Statement for Asbestos (ATSDR) - Provides a summary of public health statements concerning asbestos, potential for and how to reduce the risk of exposure, health effects for adults & children, and recommendations made by the federal government.
- Toxicological Profile for Asbestos (ATSDR) - In depth information regarding the toxicologic properties, health effects, regulations, methods of analysis, and uses of asbestos.
- US Geological Survey Asbestos - Defines asbestos and contains links to annual and special asbestos publications, including maps.
- New York State Department of Labor - Information on licensing, active asbestos projects in New York and a list of asbestos contractors as well as other useful links and phone numbers. Forms for project notification, request for photo ID card, and licensing are also available.
- Industrial Hygiene Services - The New York State Department of Health has industrial hygiene staff who can provide free technical assistance and expertise to individual companies to control workplace hazards.
- New York City Department of Environmental Protection - Asbestos regulations, reporting & tracking system, technical guides, recent announcements & notices, certification application forms & current lists of asbestos investigators, contractors and air monitors for New York City. Air monitoring results from the Lower Manhattan area taken between 9/01-8/02 are also provided.
Private Organization
- American Lung Association - General information on asbestos, sources of asbestos, health impacts and how to protect yourself.