Assisted Living Program (ALP) Dear Administrator Letter

October 23, 2019

Dear Administrator:

This letter provides you with information regarding your Assisted Living Program (ALP) Medicaid reimbursement rates effective January 1, 2019. The formula on which these rates are based was promulgated in accordance with Title 10, Part 86–7 of the Commissioner´s Administrative Rules and Regulations. These rates are available on the NYS DOH public website here.

The ALP Rates are based on fifty percent of the 1992 regional nursing home average rate for each of the sixteen ALP regions. Additionally, minimum wage increases have been incorporated into these rates based on survey data that was submitted and attested to by ALPs (see Attachment for revised 2019 rates including minimum wage).

The payment for the January 1, 2019 rates will be made in cycle 2202, check release date November 20, 2019. If you have any questions regarding the information above, please send an email to ALP– and Russ Smith will respond to your inquiry.


Laura Rosenthal, Director
Bureau of Residential Health Care Reimbursement
Division of Finance and Rate Setting
Office of Health Insurance Programs