I receive (or support someone who receives) person-centered services

A nurse helping an elderly woman

On this page you will find person-centered resources for people receiving home and community-based services, their families, support persons and advocates.

(If you deliver or oversee person-centered services, you may also find these resources useful.)

Conversations with Ivanova: People First and Identity First Language
Document Type: Video
Source: Informing Families (a collaborative project of the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council and the Division of Developmental Disabilities)
Description: In this short video, Ivanova Smith explains the difference between Person-First and Identity-First Language. She also offers suggestions for techniques to use when you are unsure which words to use.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddcl-yA88MU

Dreaming Big: Dylan's Story of Person-Centered Planning
Document Type: Video
Source: Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
Description: This video tells the story of how Dylan Kuehl, his mother Terri, and his PCP Facilitator, Jim Corey worked together to facilitate and develop Dylan’s person-centered plan. They share the process they followed and how Dylan achieved dreams with person-centered planning.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G52hzfKIgnQ

Promoting Meaningful Person-Centered Practices in Home and Community-Based Service Delivery
Document Type: Webinar
Source: National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS)
Description: In this webinar, after a background is provided about Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), panelists who receive or have received HCBS, share their experiences with person-centered supports and services. The discussion includes topics related to rights, choice, and control and how these critical elements can be improved and fully integrated into service delivery practices.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNuDP1mujEk

My Book To Celebrate Me
Document Type: Workbook/Template (PDF)
Source: Karyn Harvey, Positive Identity Development
Description: This workbook is a resource that can assist with the person-centered planning process and is applicable for everyone regardless of the services being received or where they are in their lives. This is a fillable template for a book that people can complete to create an autobiography that celebrates themselves.
URL: https://karynharvey.org/uploads/1/2/2/1/122160508/my_book_to_celebrate_me.pdf

My Book About Making a Difference!
Document Type: Workbook/Template (PDF)
Source: Karyn Harvey, Positive Identity Development
Description: This workbook is a resource that can assist with the person-centered planning process and is applicable for everyone regardless of the services being received or where they are in their lives. This is a fillable template for a book that people can complete to document the things they have done to make a difference in the world around them.
URL: https://karynharvey.org/uploads/1/2/2/1/122160508/my_book_about_making_a_difference.pdf

My Book about Healing
Document Type: Workbook/Template (PDF)
Source: Karyn Harvey, Positive Identity Development
Description: This workbook is a resource that can assist with the person-centered planning process and is applicable for everyone regardless of the services being received or where they are in their lives. This is a fillable template for a book that people can complete to document how they were brave and survived challenges.
URL: https://karynharvey.org/uploads/1/2/2/1/122160508/the_healing_workbook_.pdf

Happiness Assessment
Document Type: Workbook/Template (PDF)
Source: Karyn Harvey, Positive Identity Development
Description: This workbook is a resource that can assist with the person-centered planning process and is applicable for everyone regardless of the services being received or where they are in their lives. This is a fillable template for a self-assessment of the things that bring happiness for a person
URL: https://karynharvey.org/uploads/1/2/2/1/122160508/happiness_assessment.revised__2_.pdf

How to Make a Supported Decision-Making Agreement: A Guide for People with Disabilities and Their Families
Document Type: Guide (PDF)
Source: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Description: A guide for people with disabilities and their families regarding supported decision-making and how to make a Supported Decision-Making Agreement. Includes general guidance, worksheets, and forms to assist in the development of a Supported Decision-Making Agreement.
URL: https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/sdm_packet_for_pwds_-_plain_language_v.3.pdf

National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making
Document Type: Website
Source: National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making
Description: Website that contains resources, information, and tools on supported decision-making for multiple stakeholder groups including older adults, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, family members, advocates, professionals, and providers.
URL: https://supporteddecisionmaking.org/

Support Development Associates Resource Library
Document Type: Website
Source: Support Development Associates
Description: A resource library with information on person-centered organizations and systems, person-centered templates and examples, person-centered thinking articles, exercises for creating community connections, and resources for supporting families.
URL: https://sdaus.com/resources-2/

When People Matter More than Systems
Document Type: Presentation Transcript (PDF)
Source: Michael J. Kendrick, PhD
Description: The keynote speaker presentation from "The Promise for Opportunity" Conference held in Albany, NY, on March 27-28, 2000.
URL: https://creativeoptionsregina.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/When-People-Matter-More-Than-Systems.pdf

Insight Timer
Document Type: Webpage
Source: Insight Network Inc.
Description: This website contains free guided meditations to help improve sleep, reduce stress, and other topics, which may be supportive to anyone in the person-centered planning process.
URL: https://insighttimer.com/

Person-Centered Care Starts with a Conversation
Document Type: Article (Web)
Source: LeadingAge Magazine, March-April 2018, Volume 08, Number 02
Description: Article by LeadingAge member Peter Notarstefano on purposeful conversations and a measurement tool to understand the preferences of individuals in all levels of care
URL: https://www.leadingage.org/magazine/march-april-2018/Person-Centered-Care-Starts-with-a-Conversation-V8N2

Older Adults Have the Right to Receive Person-Centered Care: A Hypothetical Case
Document Type: Article (Web)
Source: Justice in Aging
Description: An article describes the HCBS Final Rule and how these regulations are assuring person-centered planning through a case study example.
URL: https://justiceinaging.org/older-adults-have-the-right-to-person-centered-care-a-hypothetical-case/

"What Matters" to Older Adults?
Document Type: Toolkit (PDF)
Source: Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Description: A Toolkit for Health Systems to Design Better Care with Older Adults.
URL: http://www.ihi.org/Engage/Initiatives/Age-Friendly-Health-Systems/Documents/IHI_Age_Friendly_What_Matters_to_Older_Adults_Toolkit.pdf

Assistive Technology
Document Type: Website
Source: Eldercare Locator- Administration on Community Living and Administration on Aging
Description: A resource for finding assistive technology that includes phone numbers and web addresses for national and local resources.
URL: https://eldercare.acl.gov/Public/Resources/Factsheets/Assistive_Technology.aspx#:~:text=Assistive%20Technology,make%20sounds%20easier%20to%20hear

Older Adults Technology Services (OATS)
Document Type: Website
Source: Older Adults Technology Services
Description: The main webpage for the organization OATS whose goal is to help seniors learn and use technology so they can live better in the digital age.
URL: https://oats.org/

Person- and Family-centered Care and Peer Support
Document Type: Article (Web)
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Description: An article that shares how person-centered care enables consumers to make decisions about their care, and how family and peer involvement gives them the support they need.
URL: https://www.samhsa.gov/section-223/care-coordination/person-family-centered

Kenny's World: Person-Centered Planning in Practice
Document Type: Podcast
Source: Inside HCBS
Description: This podcast explores the story of one man, Kenny, and his provider agency, Marrakech, and highlights how they partnered to make the necessary changes to Kenny's services to meet his goals and preferences. Please click on the link titled ‘Episode Website' near the bottom of the page or on the left side of the page to listen to the podcast. You can also listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Listeners do not have to subscribe to listen to the podcast.
URL: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kennys-world-person-centered-planning-in-practice/id1585204849?i=1000534825492

Your Right to a Community Life – A Guide to Home and Community Based Services Advocacy
Document Type: Guide Document (PDF)
Source: The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, New Jersey's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service, in collaboration with The Council on Quality and Leadership and the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
Description: A guide produced in 2018 for people receiving services and their families about their right to a community life, and how to advocate to live the community life they want.
URL: https://www.aucd.org/docs/policy/HCBS/CQL-HCBS-AdvocateGuide2018Final%5B1%5D.pdf

Friends: Connecting People with Disabilities and Community Members
Document Type: Manual
Source: Research & Training Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota, written by Angela Novak Amado, Ph.D.
Description: This manual was designed to help people with disabilities increase community membership and belonging.
URL: https://rtc.umn.edu/docs/Friends_Connecting_people_with_disabilities_and_community_members.pdf

Getting More of Life: Improving the Timeliness of Person-Centered Approaches
Document Type: Case Study (PDF)
Source: John O'Brien and David Towell
Description: A case study article that explores the core question: What will it take for person-centered planning to lead to better lives for big numbers of people?
URL: https://inclusion.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Getting-More-of-Life-Cranfield-III.pdf

Getting the Community Life you Want - A Guide to Home and Community Based Services Advocacy
Document Type: Guide Document (PDF)
Source: Rutgers University, Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities
Description: A guide for people receiving services including information for you to learn about the Home and Community-Based Services Final Rule, important ideas and questions to think about your life and your services, and a worksheet to help you provide input about the services you receive and how they can change to help you get the community life you want.
URL: https://rwjms.rutgers.edu/boggscenter/products/documents/GettingtheCommunityLifeYouWant7-15.pdf

It's My Choice
Document Type: Guide/Workbook (PDF)
Source: Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities, written by William T. Allen
Description: An online person-centered planning guide and workbook designed for anyone to use for person-centered planning, including an individual assessment, game plan, person-centered plan templates, and individual checklists.
URL: https://mn.gov/mnddc/extra/publications/Its-My-Choice.pdf

Charting the LifeCourse: LifeCourse Framework – University of Missouri
Document Type: Website
Source: LifeCourse Nexus, from the University of Missouri, Kansas City
Description: Provides information on the Charting the LifeCourse Framework, including key principles and reference tools.
URL: https://www.lifecoursetools.com/lifecourse-library/lifecourse-framework/

Charting the LifeCourse: Foundational Tools – University of Missouri
Document Type: Website
Source: LifeCourse Nexus, from the University of Missouri, Kansas City
Description: An online resource with the foundational tools of Charting the LifeCourse , including person-centered tools and family perspective tools.
URL: https://www.lifecoursetools.com/lifecourse-library/foundational-tools/

Self-Advocates Guide to Choosing a Post-Secondary Program
Document Type: Guide Document (PDF)
Source: Rutgers University, Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities
Description: This is a college guide for students with developmental disabilities and their families.
URL: https://boggscenter.rwjms.rutgers.edu/resources/publications/self-advocates-guide-to-choosing-a-post-secondary-program

Selecting a Service Provider: Making Choices, Becoming Empowered
Document Type: Guide Document (PDF)
Source: Rutgers University, Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities
Description: A guide for individuals and families on making the choice of selecting a service provider.
URL: https://rwjms.rutgers.edu/boggscenter/documents/SelectingServiceProviderFINAL-ENGLISH.pdf

Got Choice? Self-Directed Supports & Self-Determination
Document Type: Guide Document (PDF)
Source: Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities
Description: A guide on self-directed supports and self-determination, specifically created for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
URL: https://dmh.mo.gov/sites/dmh/files/media/pdf/2019/05/self-directed-supports-handbook.pdf

ACL Traumatic Brain Injury Partners Day
Document Type: Webinar
Source: Administration for Community Living (ACL)
Description:This webinar is in observance of Brain Injury Awareness Month in 2024. ACL hosted the webinar that discusses partnership with people with lived experience and their families and professionals. The discussion includes several presenters who discuss a range of topics including advocacy, the impact of brain injury, and a variety of supports for people experiencing brain injuries.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYttR9D0gOU

Conservatorship vs Supported Decision Making
Document Type: Podcast
Source: LOMAH Disability Podcast
Description: NOTE: The host of this podcast is in CA where the term, "Conservatorship" is used. In other states, the term "Guardianship" is used.
The host recently obtained conservatorship (guardianship) for her 18-year-old daughter. In this podcast, she interviews a lawyer who specializes in guardianship, powers of attorney, estate planning, trusts, and educational advocacy. They discuss the considerations people may make as their children reach adulthood to provide support in decision-making needs.
URL: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conservatorship-vs-supported-decision-making/id1238352496?i=1000552544264

Finding the Edge, with John O'Brien
Document Type: Podcast
Source: The Good Things in Life Podcast
Description: Learning Institute Faculty member John O'Brien discusses fully inclusive communities and social progress with host Genia Stephen. The Good Things In Life podcast provides ideas, concepts & conversations that support children with intellectual disabilities. You can listen to this podcast episode by clicking on the large arrow on the left side of the page. You can also listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Listeners do not have to subscribe to listen to the podcast.
URL: https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/good-things-in-life-podcast-25942/finding-the-edge-with-john-obrien-586893074

Parent Companion: Person-Centered Planning For Your Child
Document Type: Website
Source: Parent Companion
Description: Website developed by Parent Companion in Texas with support of their parent advisory group whose members are parents and/or grandparents of children with disabilities and ongoing health care needs. This site includes videos and written description discussing person-centered planning and how the model can help families and children.
URL: https://www.parentcompanion.org/article/person-centered-planning-for-your-child

Finding the Edge, with John O'Brien
Document Type: Podcast
Source: The Good Things in Life Podcast
Description: Learning Institute Faculty member John O'Brien discusses fully inclusive communities and social progress with host Genia Stephen. The Good Things In Life podcast provides ideas, concepts & conversations that support children with intellectual disabilities. You can listen to this podcast episode by clicking on the large arrow on the left side of the page. You can also listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Listeners do not have to subscribe to listen to the podcast.
URL: https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/good-things-in-life-podcast-25942/finding-the-edge-with-john-obrien-586893074

Five Valued Experiences for the Good Things in Life, with John O'Brien
Document Type: Podcast
Source: The Good Things in Life Podcast
Description: Learning Institute Faculty member John O'Brien discusses the five valued experiences for the good things in life which include: belonging, respect, sharing spaces, contribution, and choice. The Good Things In Life podcast provides ideas, concepts & conversations that support children with intellectual disabilities. You can listen to this podcast episode by clicking on the large arrow on the left side of the page. You can also listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Listeners do not have to subscribe to listen to the podcast.
URL: https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/good-things-in-life-podcast-25942/five-valued-experiences-for-the-good-things-in-life-with-john-obrien-565266767

Towards a Community Support Approach for People with Disabilities with Hanns Meissner and Pamela Mansell
Document Type: Podcast
Source: The Good Things in Life Podcast
Description: Learning Institute Faculty member Hanns Meissner and Pamela Mansell (a guest host on the podcast) discuss the concept of Blue Space and finding peace and finding a sense of purpose. The Good Things In Life podcast provides ideas, concepts & conversations that support kids with intellectual disabilities. You can listen to this podcast episode by clicking on the large arrow on the left side of the page. You can also listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Listeners do not have to subscribe to listen to the podcast.
URL: https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/good-things-in-life-podcast-25942/towards-a-community-support-approach-for-people-with-disabilities-with-hanns-meissner-and-pamela-mansell-375233083

Person-Centered Planning for Your Child
Document Type: Website
Source: Parent Companion, Texas Parent to Parent and Education Service Center Region 13
Description: This webpage includes advocacy tips and videos that serve as a resource for parents as they complete the person-centered planning process for their child.
URL: http://www.parentcompanion.org/article/person-centered-planning-for-your-child

The National Parent Center on Transition and Employment: Person-Centered Planning
Document Type: Website
Source: PACER's National Parent Center on Transition and Employment
Description: A concise resource on person-centered planning for parents and children.
URL: https://www.pacer.org/transition/learning-center/independent-community-living/person-centered.asp

What is Person Centered Planning?
Document Type: Website
Source: The Council for Disabled Children (UK)
Description: A webpage on person-centered planning that includes a short and informative video on the person-centered planning process.
URL: https://councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk/about-us-0/networks/information-advice-and-support-programme/useful-resources-publications/what-1

The Importance of Person-Centered Planning: Transition Tool Kit
Document Type: Article (Web)
Source: Autism Speaks
Description: An article on the importance of person-centered planning and a tool kit to develop a transition plan for students with Individual Education Plans (IEP) after high school.
URL: https://www.autismspeaks.org/tool-kit-excerpt/importance-person-centered-planning

Technology Resources for College Students with Disabilities
Document Type: Website
Source: CollegeStats.org
Description: A resource for students with disabilities entering college who may be seeking additional technology supports.
URL: https://collegestats.org/resources/technology-guide-for-people-with-disabilities/

Guide for Supporting Caregivers - Resources for Assessing Caregiver Stress
Document Type: Resource Guide (PDF) (Web)
Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Person-centered Planning Project
Description: A guide for bringing awareness to the unique role family caregivers have in the lives of people with developmental disabilities, individuals with mental illness, and persons with co-occurring or dual diagnoses.
URL: https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/person-centered_planning/recipients/docs/support_guide.pdf

Building a National Agenda for Supporting Families with a Member with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Document Type: Article/Advocacy Guide (PDF)
Source: Administration on Developmental Disabilities (USDHHS) and the Johnson Foundation at Wingspread
Description: An article highlighting the role of, and advocating for resources to assist, caregivers who support family members with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
URL: https://ucedd.waisman.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/74/2017/05/Wingspread.pdf

Family Caregiver Alliance – Assistive Technology
Document Type: Website
Source: Family Caregiver Alliance, National Center on Caregiving
Description: This resource provides an overview of assistive technology and includes information and weblinks with additional resources for caregivers on assistive technology.
URL: https://www.caregiver.org/assistive-technology

Assistive Technology for Families
Document Type: Website
Source: Connecticut Department of Developmental Disabilities
Description: A resource on assistive technology specifically for families, with a focus on technology across the lifespan, from prenatal and infancy to adulthood and aging.
URL: https://portal.ct.gov/dds/Searchable-Archive/General/AssistiveTechnology/Assistive-Technology-for-Families

Providing Respite: Supporting People and Families Across the Lifespan
Document Type: Guide Document (PDF)
Source: Rutgers University, Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities
Description: A guide on becoming a respite provider, including definitions, steps, and competencies, and information on supporting people and families across the lifespan.
URL: http://rwjms.rutgers.edu/boggscenter/products/documents/ProvidingRespite-bookletfinal_000.pdf

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Tips for Dementia Caregivers
Document Type: Guide Document (PDF)
Source: Alzheimer's Association
Description: A guide for caregivers of individuals living with Alzheimer's and all other dementia related to COVID-19, including tips for how to care for these individuals during the pandemic.
URL: https://www.alz.org/help-support/caregiving/coronavirus-(covid-19)-tips-for-dementia-care

Easy Technology Solutions for Individuals with Disabilities
Document Type: Podcast
Source: LOMAH Disability Podcast
Description: On this episode of the LOMAH podcast, Venkat Roa discusses easily accessible technology for people with disabilities. Please click on the link titled ‘Episode Website' near the bottom of the page to listen to the podcast. You can also listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Listeners do not have to subscribe to listen to the podcast.
URL: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/easy-technology-solutions-for-individuals-with/id1238352496?i=1000424198247

Technology Information Center
Document Type: Website
Source: New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation
Description: This technology information center's mission is to provide resources on enabling technology and provide technical support as needed. This link will bring you to additional resources including the Technology Discovery Survey Tool, and 3 Webinars about Enabling Technology: April 18, 2017; May 16, 2017; and June 13, 2017.
URL: https://nyalliance.org/Enabling_Technology

Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (TRAID) Program
Document Type: Website
Source: New York State Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs
Description: A list of Regional TRAID Centers in New York State that provide access to assistive technology, including device loans and hands-on training to people with disabilities.
URL: https://www.justicecenter.ny.gov/traid-program