Birth Outcomes Data
New York State
Environmental Public Health Tracker
- Track Birth Outcomes
- View the number and rate of certain birth outcomes on maps, graphs, and tables. Find more about factors related to adverse birth outcomes.
- Maternal & Infant Health
- Provides data on birth outcomes, such as low birth weight, short gestation, infant mortality, etc., and presents a variety of health statistics for residents of New York State, organized by county. The data come from several sources and are organized into 18 health-related categories.
Data source: Vital Records
Geographical coverage: New York State, region, county (tables and maps) - Vital Statistics
- This is the main page for access to tables of statistical information from NY State birth, death, divorce, and marriage records presented by year. Technical notes and information for obtaining records is also provided.
Data Source: Vital Records
Geographical area: Mostly New York State, some tables for New York City/New York State, excluding New York City, and county.
National and State
- National Vital Statistics Reports – National Center for Health Statistics
- Provides vital statistics reports on births, which include data by maternal characteristics, such as age, race, medical risk facts, etc., and by infant characteristics, such as birth weight, congenital anomalies, multiple births, etc.
- Birth Data – National Vital Statistics System
- Provides links to a wide variety of documents and information on births, including links to state health departments.
- PeriStats – March of Dimes
- An interactive perinatal data resource developed by the March of Dimes that provides maternal, infant and child health-related data with state-level and some county-level indicators.