Permits, Licenses & Certification
- Agricultural Fairgrounds
- Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services (NYS Office of Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services)
- Asbestos, Accredited NYS Training Sponsors & Training Course Schedule
- Bathing Beaches
- Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Certificates
- Body Art - Tattooing and Body Piercing
- Certificate of Need (CON) for Health Care Facilities
- Campgrounds
- Certificates of Incorporation and Articles of Organization - When Approval is Necessary
- Children's Camps Permits & Certifications
- Clean Indoor Air Act (Smoking) Waiver
- Death Certificates
- Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing & Other Professional Licensure (NYS Education Department)
- Divorce Certificates
- Dog Licensing (NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets)
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Certification
- Food Service Establishments
- Graduate Medical Education
- Health-Related Legal Services
- Insurance Brokers & Agents Licenses (NYS Department of Financial Services)
- Laboratory Quality Certification (Wadsworth Center)
- Mammography Facilities (U.S. Food & Drug Administration)
- Marriage Licenses
- Mass Gatherings
- Mobile Food Service Establishments and Foodcarts
- Narcotic Enforcement
- Nurse Aide
- Nursing Home Administrator Licensure
- Prenatal Care in New York State
- Radiologic Technologist Licensure
- Radon Mitigation Contractors
- Radon Testers
- Recreational Aquatic Spray Grounds
- Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Certification
- Swimming Pools
- Tanning Facilities
- Temporary Food Service Establishments
- Temporary Residences (Hotels, Motels, Cabins)
- Vending of Food and Beverages
- Water Treatment Plant or Distribution System Operator Certification