HCRA Elector List - September 1, 2024

About the Elector List

Please Note:

Due to a large influx of new electors with a January 1, 2019 effective date, the listings below are not yet all inclusive. We will post updates to this list approximately weekly until all new electors have been added. As new groups are added they will reflect the date first posted as well as the proper effective date.

Below is an alphabetical list and comma‐delimited file (also referred to as comma‐separated values (CSV)) of organizations that have voluntarily elected to make public goods payments directly to the Office of Pool Administration. To be included on the list, an organization must have elected in conformance with HCRA provisions and New York State Department of Health (Department) requirements.

It is the responsibility of the payor to assure the information displayed on these pages is accurate and up‐to‐date. If you have any questions regarding this information, please call the payor directly.

The HCRA elector list is posted monthly as a courtesy and should not be deemed to be all‐inclusive in determining HCRA obligations. Entities that utilize this list are encouraged to contact electors directly if they have questions.

Index to Alphabetical List:


Index to CSV file:

We have posted the CSV file which comprises the entire elector list as follows:

Foreign Countries with National Healthcare

As a courtesy, the Department has attached a listing of foreign countries known to have National Health Care.