Electronic Mailing Lists

BEI Electronic Mailing List

The purpose of the Bureau of Early Intervention (BEI) electronic mailing list is to notify Early Intervention Program (EIP) stakeholders that new information has been posted in the Early Intervention Program area of the Department of Health's Web site. Stakeholders include providers of early intervention services, parents of EIP-enrolled children, municipal EIP staff, and other interested parties. The notices will inform stakeholders about new, updated, or revised information, including program guidance documents, laws and regulations, publications, training announcements, and meeting notices.


To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to listserv@list.ny.gov with the word "Subscribe" in the subject line, and the words “Subscribe BEI-L your first name and last name(with no punctuation) in the body of the e-mail, remove any e-mail signatures, and then click send. Your e-mail address will be added to the mailing list. You should receive a Listserv List confirmation email and you will need to click the link in this email to confirm your subscription. If you do not receive this confirmation email in your inbox, please check your spam/junk message box for the e-mail to confirm your subscription.


To unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail to beilist@health.ny.gov with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line and your name in the body of the e-mail.

NYEIS Electronic Mailing List

The purpose of the NYEIS electronic mailing list is to notify system users of important system news such as system modifications, outages, the availability of new resources and updates on the EI Hub.


To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to listserv@list.ny.gov with the word "Subscribe" in the subject line, and the words “Subscribe NYEIS-L your first name and last name(with no punctuation) in the body of the e-mail, remove any e-mail signatures, and then click send. Your e-mail address will be added to the mailing list. You should receive a Listserv List confirmation email and you will need to click the link in this email to confirm your subscription. If you do not receive this confirmation email in your inbox, please check your spam/junk message box for the e-mail to confirm your subscription.


To unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail tonyeislist@health.ny.gov with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line and your name in the body of the e-mail.

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Electronic Mailing List

The purpose of the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) electronic mailing list is to notify EHDI stakeholders of new developments within the program. Stakeholders include hospital or birthing center staff, pediatricians, audiologists, neonatologists, providers of early intervention services, municipal EIP staff, parents of children with hearing loss and other interested parties. The notices will inform stakeholders about new, updated, or revised information, including program guidance documents, laws and regulations, publications, training announcements, and meeting notices.


To subscribe, send an e-mail to ehdilist@health.ny.gov with "Subscribe" in the subject line and include your first and last name in the body of the e-mail. BEI will add your e-mail address to the mailing list .


To unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail to ehdilist@health.ny.gov with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line and your name in the body of the e-mail.

NYS EIP Families Electronic Listserv

The purpose of the NYS Early Intervention Program Families electronic listserv is to connect with families directly and share information about upcoming trainings, parent resources, new guidance, and more.


To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to listserv@list.ny.gov with the word "Subscribe" in the subject line, and the words “Subscribe NYS_EIP_Families-L your first name and last name(with no punctuation) in the body of the e-mail, remove any e-mail signatures, and then click send. Your e-mail address will be added to the mailing list. You should receive a Listserv List confirmation email and you will need to click the link in this email to confirm your subscription. If you do not receive this confirmation email in your inbox, please check your spam/junk message box for the e-mail to confirm your subscription.


To unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail to NYSEIPFamilieslist@health.ny.gov with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line and your name in the body of the e-mail.